速報APP / 遊戲 / Busy Division

Busy Division



檔案大小:88.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

Busy Division(圖1)-速報App

Second of a "BUSY" series!!

Let's try to do Busy Division!

【How to play】

・You cipher for 「Division」pop up one after another on the whiteboard.

・Select the correct answer from multiple answers on front side note.

・It is 2 modes of 「Repeat Training Mode」and

「Challenging Mode」.

Busy Division(圖2)-速報App

・You can select challenge level from 「Easy」「Normal」「Hard」「Extra」

「Repeat Training Mode」

・As the name suggests, It is endless mode and in here you can training freely.

・Repeat training is important to arithmetic. You learn by doing it iteratively.

・Touch the End button on the screen, you can end the game. Number of your correct answers and total time are display on the screen.

「Challenging Mode」

・In this mode, the time limit of 6 minutes. And it will test your speed of answering and accuracy. So it's best to check your ability.

Busy Division(圖3)-速報App

・ The speed of questions increases gradually as continuous correct answers continue! New system "boost".

・Link up with Ranking System. Post on your score and compete for scores with your rivals.

It's NEW!!

New Challenge Level「Extra」

・This division is indivisible by 「redundancy」!

・Select two answers of「Quotient」and「Remainder」from answer candidates.

・Quotient candidate is black, Remainder candidate is pink.(each 4 choices)

Busy Division(圖4)-速報App

「Providing Materials」

Images「Illustration AC」


Special Effects「Music is VFR」


Voice「Machi Minase」


Busy Division(圖5)-速報App

Rendering Audio「Mitsuteru Nagato」


Special Thanks「Riverion」


Busy Division(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad